Imagine a project management process that is streamlined, efficient and empowering. Where your company has real time insights into progress and performance and can make predictive decisions timely. Where deliverables are met to the satisfaction of stakeholders and projects are aligned with strategic goals. That is the power of our Premium Remote PMO services.

All Advanced Plan Services

Leading PMO Team

Customized Status & KPI Reporting

Official Project Communication

Delivery Acceptance tracking

Event Organization

Executive Board & Decision Governance

Forecast and Cost Management

Why choose this 
Remote PMO plan?

Our Premium Remote PMO services provide comprehensive support for all aspects of project management, from strategic decision-making and cost optimization to communication and event orchestration.

Our approach centres on harnessing data-driven insights, empowering you to make well-informed decisions and successfully attain your desired outcomes.

Within this process, we give paramount importance to risk mitigation and precise forecasting. This is achieved through the effective utilization of our WAGILE™ governance framework, which plays a pivotal role in shaping and executing your strategic planning.


  • Comprehensive project management support.
  • Informed decision-making for desired outcomes.
  • Focus on risk mitigation and precise forecasting.
  • WAGILE™ governance framework for shaping and executing strategic planning.

We take over delivery responsibility and actively monitor and steer (parts of) your delivery and portfolio. A Senior Consultant is assigned as a single point of contact.

Executive Board & Decision Governance


Executive boards may not have the time or expertise to make informed decisions about complex projects. This can lead to projects being misaligned with the organization’s strategic goals, or to bad decisions being made that can impact the project’s success.


Within our Premium Remote PMO we implement a decision governance framework to ensure that decisions are made in a timely, informed, and transparent manner. E&P’s decision governance framework defines the different types of decisions that need to be made, the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, and the process for making decisions.

Forecast & Cost Management


Companies often struggle with cash flow management. Inaccurate forecasts can lead to cost overruns on projects and initiatives and make it difficult to identify and mitigate potential risks.



Our Premium Remote PMO actively supports companies with their cost management by assisting in budgeting, expense tracking, financial forecasting, and diversifying income sources. By offering these services remotely, we enable you to maintain financial health while focusing on growth and innovation.

Check the most fitting plan for yoU

Basic PMO

Use our basic services to introduce a common vocabulary and standard to build the basis for scalability.

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If you wish more input for financials and planning, we provide additional insights, based on WAGILE™ standard KPIs.

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With our premium services, we also take over delivery responsibility and actively monitor and steer (parts of) your delivery/portfolio. A Senior Consultant is assigned as a single point of contact.

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Our virtual assistance takes over daily office tasks to have your back and thus enable you to work more efficiently and achieve your goals.

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